Legal Nurse Consulting ... Life Care Planning
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Frequently Asked Questions

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1. What is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC®)?

2. How does using Malaer Legal Nurse Consulting benefit you?

3. Why do attorneys need Malaer Legal Nurse Consulting LLC?

4.When should attorneys call Malaer Legal Nurse Consulting LLC?


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Nursing expert or expert nurse? Attorneys, legal nurse consultants, and life care planners, this message is for you!!!

Nursing expert or expert nurse?

Growing, Growing, Growing, BOOM!!! So proud of the team we have and for…

Proud of our team!

What’s the magic number of screens for reviewing records and writing…

Magic number of screens

Love the life you live!!! If you’re doing what you love, you never work a…

Love the life you live!

How do you give back? Who do you mentor? I love being a mentor because…

How do you give back?

Exhibiting at the OCDLA conference!!! Come by and visit Jerusha and I.

At OCDLA Conference.

Snowy start to this busy week. Hope you are all doing well. I am in…

Snowy start to week.

Meetings or meatings?!?!? Meetings during the week——Meatings on the…

Meetings or Meatings?